The Smith County Election Commission has a group of trained workers who have been faithfully helping with the elections, but we are always in need of new recruits. The County Election Commission appoints poll workers for every election. If you would like to be part of our election process, please complete the application form below indicating your interest to work or receive further information.
Working on Election Day consists of a long day, but gives you the opportunity to enjoy and serve the people of Smith County. If appointed, you will be required to attend a training session to help prepare you for your duties. The Election Commission pays you for attending the training session and for working on Election Day.
You must be a
- Resident of Smith County
- Registered voter of Smith County
- A student who will be 16 years old on or before Election Day may also work as an election official even though you are not yet a registered voter. You must live in Smith County to be eligible.
If you are interested in becoming a pollworker, please print and complete the form below and mail or email it to us at the following address:
Smith County Election Commission
122 Turner High Circle, Suite 105
Carthage, TN 37030